Career Counseling

Career counseling is made up of individualized solutions and high-performance tools to design a career plan or confirm choices. It can be useful at any point in the student's reflection process or learning path and is built around a counseling process made up of various steps.
Arnaud Le Blanc
Arnaud Le Blanc
Phone : +33 (0)6 44 38 92 08
Email :
Peggy Jean-Marie
Phone : +33 (0)6 02 07 45 24
Email :
Individualized support at every step of the program
With 45 years of experience in providing support to students and employees, Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) offers individualized solutions and high-performance tools, at any point of the student’s reflection process or learning path, thanks to a five-step counseling process.
1. Conferences
Groupe IGS organizes conferences on various themes as well as information meetings to help students and their families better understand high education and the challenges of successfully pursuing a degree.
Conference Topics:
- Choosing the right specialty courses
- Overview of higher education in France and how to get there (universities, preparatory classes, post-secondary schools, etc.)
- Differences between Parcoursup programs and programs outside Parcoursup
- Accreditations and certifications
- Things to ask yourself when choosing a program
- Close-up of the jobs of tomorrow and the skills employers want
- Preparing for the French "Grand Oral" exam (jury expectations and evaluation system, explanation of the 4 parts of the exam, study tips, etc.)
- Study abroad and international experiences in higher education
- Financial aid
2. Career Tests
Using personality tests and an innovative computer algorithm, the career counseling services provide predictive career matches, capable of highlighting skills, values, and/or occupations.
The tests are designed to:
- Reveal dominant personality traits
- Recognize individual strengths, potential, and aptitudes
- Analyze behavior and motivations
- Identify interests and both personal and professional aspirations
3. Personalized Interview
As a follow-up to the career tests, an interview with our team of experts is organized and includes:
- A debriefing session with an analysis of career test results and recommendations for potential occupations and the development of a career plan
- Counseling to develop a personalized education plan based on the professional fields that correspond to the test results
4. Intensive Coaching Sessions
Because exams in general, and the French Baccalaureate degree exam in particular, can be major sources of stress, Groupe IGS offers coaching, preparation, and practice sessions for:
- The exams in specialized subject areas
- The "Grand Oral" exam
- The French Parcoursup admissions platform
- College admissions interviews
5. Immersion and Simulations
At the end of the program, young people have the opportunity to reinforce their choice of orientation with:
- Workshops of business discoveries and scenarios, led by professionals of the chosen sector
- Business games to learn to work in groups and stimulate your ingenuity
- Immersion days in the course module of your choice
At a glance
- 50 % of young people interviewed feel they did not receive enough guidance in the development of their career plan
- 20 % of young people interviewed feel they did not have any options in the choice of their careers
- 40 % of French high school students said they made their career and educational choices very late (senior year)
- Almost 20 % of the students using the Parcoursup platform have decided to change their educational and career choices (182,000 students out of 931,000 students in 2021)
- More than 100,000 students in higher education find themselves failing academically each year (including 62,000 in undergraduate studies at French universities and 31,500 enrolled in a French BTS program)