Our Mission
We offer an academic and career-oriented open education model, where all are welcome and where everyone will learn to find their place in today's changing world, whatever their unique characteristics, ambitions, or background.

Our mission
We offer an open education model where all are welcome, whatever their unique characteristics, ambitions, or background might be. Through a wide array of degree programs which blend high academic standards with career readiness, we empower all our students to make their mark and become a driving force in today's changing world.
Our purpose: Create harmony through comboned differences
Our purpose is based on our ability, since our inception in 1975, to successfully combine differences. We believe in Man's ability to go beyond what was thought possible. We believe that individuals can accomplish anything they set their minds to, whatever their particularities. We believe that the combination of these differences creates a source of wealth for all.
Our vision: Prepare our students to become a driving force for change in the world
By combining programs that are both academically sound and career-oriented with the ambitions of our students, whatever their unique traits, aspirations, or backgrounds, and the needs of companies, we are contributing to the preparation of generations who will facilitate major change in the years to come.
Our group manifesto
Today's world is experiencing a transformation unlike anything ever seen before, and students are intent on pursuing new career, personal, and social goals. Rules governing the economy are being rewritten; accepted practices and attitudes are being called into question; strategies for reducing environmental impact have become a priority; and, as a result, companies need new talent who will be able to help them successfully adapt and grow in this new context.
In light of these changes, Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) believes it can act as the bridge between worlds that must move forward together. Bridging the gap between the world of work and the world of education will help bring society and business closer together and produce new generations who are capable of understanding and supporting these critical transitions.
This is why we have developed an open approach to learning that combines the ambitions of our students with the needs of today's companies. We offer unique higher education programs designed for all students, whatever their particular talent, ambition, or background may be.
We believe that we can build this new vision of education together - students, companies, stakeholders, faculty, and staff working as one. In doing so, we can rely on what has always been the group's major strength: one of the most diverse degree program offerings available in education today, combined with a committed faculty hailing from both the corporate and academic worlds, dedicated to ensuring the success of all.
Combining individual talents to succeed together.
Our values
Our core values not only guide us in defining our approach to education, but they also clearly express what we stand for and are embodied and lived daily by our students, our faculty, our alumni, and our staff.
For our belief in the potential of each individual and our pursuit of peaceful and united coexistence in the world.
For our belief in continuous improvement of the quality of our educational programs and our desire to adopt a responsible and respectful attitude towards the environment.
For our desire to learn from other people and places and our actions to ensure access to education for all.