Take Me UP

The gap year program that reveals your hidden potential

Take Me UP is a certified program open to young people between the ages of 17 and 25 who wish to embark upon an enriching gap year experience to learn more about themselves and prepare for their future careers.


Take Me UP


12, rue Alexandre Parodi
75010 Paris


Antonie Desprez


Larhi Miharantsoa
Phone : +33 (0)6 07 45 39 16 
Email : lmiharantsoa@igensia.com


7-9, rue Jean-Marie Leclair
69009 Lyon


Antonie Desprez


Larhi Miharantsoa
Phone : +33 (0)6 07 45 39 16 
Email : lmiharantsoa@igensia.com


186, route de Grenade
31703 Blagnac


Antonie Desprez


Larhi Miharantsoa
Phone : +33 (0)6 07 45 39 16 
Email : lmiharantsoa@igensia.com


Take Me UP is a certified program that provides an enriching and unique international adventure

In today's intense world of higher education, knowing how to reflect on past experiences, learn more about oneself, and cultivate an interest in foreign languages and cultures can definitely be time well spent. Take Me UP, a certified, structured, and customized program offers recent high school graduates or college students just that - an opportunity to thrive during a gap year and experience a unique and international program.

The program is divided into two distinct periods:

  • Starting in September, a semester in Finland has students participating in workshops designed to improve soft-skills and discover hidden talents - and 100 % in English, to strengthen language abilities in a country that was voted by young people as the best country in the world for soft-skill education.
  • Starting in January, the second semester is dedicated to exploring the world. Made-to-measure depending on the student's objectives, budget, and level of English, the semester can be spent studying abroad in one of our partner universities, completing an internship or work-study experience, or even undertaking an international humanitarian mission. For those students who prefer to stay in France, they can also choose to complete an internship, work-study, or humanitarian mission in the land of baguettes and camembert!

Choosing Take Me UP means taking the time to trust in your instincts, make the right choices for your future, become bilingual, and really stand with recruiters.

At a glance

  • 60 % of people having chosen to do any type of gap year say it helped them choose their current job or academic field
  • 95 % of them feel that their gap year prepared them well for a transition towards higher education or the world of work
  • 82 % believe the experience gave them a competitive advantage for the rest of their education and career
  • 95 % encountered new ideas and ways of perceiving the world
  • 97 % feel that the experience helped them gain in maturity and self-confidence
  • 83 % continued in higher education after their gap year

Source: Gap Year Association