Professional Expertise Sectors
The Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) offers training programs in 8 complementary fields of expertise. These programs are accessible for everyone in a variety of different options: formal education, work-study training, traineeships, continuing education or under the framework of professional integration and transition.
HR Management and Development
The human resources sector represents a fundamental function and occupies a strategic position within companies. Managing social relationships, promoting careers, training colleagues, and recruiting suitable profiles are all essential activities in a company’s operational effectiveness.
Since 1975, the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) has proposed quality programs that respond to current corporate expectations in terms of HR management and development. Demanding and professional, our programs have made it possible to train 1 out of 4 HR executives in France.
Corporate Finance and Management
The corporate finance and management field involves optimizing company decisions in terms of managing human and material means. These senior positions require the development of skills making it possible to set realistic objectives and choose the best implementation means for this strategy.
The Groupe IGENSIA Education's (formerly Groupe IGS) programs in corporate finance and management make it possible to develop skills suitable for the corporate decision-making world, such as strategic thinking, commitment, innovation, and creativity.
Business, Development, Marketing, Services
Business, development, marketing and services are necessary functions for the promotion of a company and its products and services. These strategic activities develop rapidly and are adapted to their environments and market transformations.
Consequently, the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) breaks new ground with training programs that correspond exactly to company needs since they are developed hand-in-hand with executives from large companies and French and foreign SMEs. Our programs integrate the acquisition of marketing, distribution and business techniques and perfectly prepare students for transversal roles
International Management
At a time when commercial exchanges of products and services predominantly take place internationally, it is necessary for future executives and international corporate decision-makers to understand the instability and transformations of the markets as well as international political, economic and social contexts.
That being said, our International Management program offers an education that proposes international careers. This program is based on a Franco-American educational approach in terms of business, management and marketing abroad.
Journalism, communications, artistic and cultural production
Professions in journalism, communications and artistic and cultural production are both essential to companies and subject to many relocations, particularly related to information broadcasting channels and tools.
Certain of the necessity of adapting to these changes, the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) offers connected, digitized, innovative and demanding programs making it possible to be trained as a press attaché, communication or events director, web project manager, journalist, producer, etc.

Healthcare Industry Management
Careers in healthcare industry management require skills in two fields. A person must be both an expert in the healthcare professions as well as have skills in management, strategy and team management.
The Healthcare industry management program, offered within the Institut de Management des Industries de la Santé (IMIS Lyon), proposes an intensive program concentrated on scientific and managerial skills. This program prepares students for executive positions in national and international healthcare industries as well as in public or private healthcare establishments.
Information Technology
In a modern, digital, and almost entirely virtual environment, careers in IT are necessary for the proper functioning of companies and organizations, all sectors combined.
The large range of IT programs that the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) offers makes it possible to acquire expertise in IT, and develop professional know-how as well as managerial behavior. These programs train competent professionals, capable of understanding IT issues at organizations and training their colleagues in good IT practices.

Real Estate
In France, the real estate sector is an impressive employment rate. The real estate world is a dynamic field combining the knowledge of technical expertise and management and negotiation skills.
The Groupe IGENSIA Education's (formerly Groupe IGS) real estate program offers a large number of options in order to prepare students for careers in management, transactions, promotion, construction, renovation, and real estate expertise.